Monday, July 26, 2010

The Flower Girl Twins

I really LOVE working on things for kids. These little cute girls needed flower girl dresses for their first wedding debut! It was so fun to put these together. Twins made it fun to design for because we wanted them to be alike but different. Reverse! I love the colors on these girls.

Milwaukee Art Museum Competition - Run Up to Runway

This was such a fun show! It has been way to long for me to have done a show like this. That night I showcased one of my runway pieces from the last years fashion show and I won people's choice! It was awesome to run up on that runway. I won tickets to the Bill Blass Runway show which was completely inspiring.


Can you say creative outlet? Sometimes we just need to do something that makes no sense, something that people might laugh at. It's ok! If we don't do silly things as artists we will never come up with anything interesting.

One day I got really tired of sitting around our apartment and I kept looking at these little guys that sit on top of our shelf. We often change what they are doing up there just to be funny but this day I wanted them to go somewhere. It made me laugh to myself and of course I felt like a big dork, but not a big enough dork to take them outside and make them do silly things outside. Someday these people of mine will have full sets of clothing and be doing much sillier things. Until then they at least got to go outside for a couple of hours :)

There is no one I like photographing more that Lydia! I love these senior pictures because they really use from from nature what nature has to offer when it comes to finding the perfect sunlight and perfect framing.

Bridesmaid Collection May 2009

Last year I put together a collection of Bridesmaid Dresses and Flower Girl Dresses for the lovely bride Christine. The colors she chose were a really interesting contrast that I really enjoyed working with. I also enjoyed the fact that they were all different dresses but were pulled together by color and fabrication.

Children's Room Art

I am currently working on a child's room collection. I have been playing around with a lot of different characters and colors that I think children would love. I know Henry does! After I develop my characters I would like to go a step further and create bedding, toys and so on.